• kenburns1
    Welcome to the Virtual Office
    Make your efforts quickly and easily


  • Ayúdanos a no perder ni una gota de agua

    El agua es un bien escaso que hay que cuidar y la eficiencia hídrica constituye una máxima dentro de nuestros objetivos. Tú también puedes colaborar a no perder ni una gota de agua desde casa siguiendo unas recomendaciones:

  • Request the electronic invoice.

    At the Electronic Invoice you will be able to receive in the electronic mail or on the mobile phone a notice of the availability of the invoice, which you can download in PDF format. You will also be able to access the history of all your invoices.

  • Join Drop in this exciting adventure

    Drop and the Great Water Journey is a graphic and didactic story that teaches children the Integral Water Cycle and introduces them to caring for the environment through a fun trip to nature.

  • Hiring Requirements

    See what are the previous requirements and documentation for the various steps of the water in your population.

  • Customers’ information updating campaign

    Update your contact information and take advantage of the new services related to your water supply.