Risks prevention

For our organization there is a fundamental commitment to Risk Management, based on three basic guidelines: ethical behavior, legal certainty, and corporate responsibility.

There is a policy of maximum Occupational Safety and Health, derived from the Quality Policy, aimed at steadily improving working conditions and the level of protection of workers and staff satisfaction and motivation as well as that of users in their environment.

To this, involvement and awareness of all the staff, with the contribution of their effort, dedication and ideas contribute to the company to develop their work safely and competitively, as well as the citizens it serves, starting from the basic principle that the best productivity is achieved with greater security.

To achieve this objective with guarantee, and to promote continuous improvement of working conditions, Global Omnium/Aguas de Valencia is firmly committed to the implementation of a Risk Management System based on the adoption of Best Management Sector Securitiespractices.

It is a duty of all employees of the organization to comply with the tasks and obligations arising from common sense, law and procedures of the system, with special observance of the Best Sector Securities Management practices, together with possible improvements to make our company an economically viable organization, socially committed and ethically sustainable.

Our principles pursue:

  • To provide a suitable frameworkfor strict compliance with the legal requirementsapplicable to the company, especially those more sensitive to a society with tolerance "0" to risk, as are the environmental, labor and social commitmentaspects.
  • To provide the necessary internal resources (own staff, equipment and financial resources) for the development and improvement of the implemented Management System.
  • Ensuring the participation and information of all workers, as well as the right of these to be consulted, in order to achieve continuous improvement of the implemented Management System.
  • Integrating of our contractors and subcontractors in the active commitment of improving working conditions, and establish a suitable and sufficient system for Supplier Risk Accreditation.
  • Establishing Risk Managementas an integral part, and on equal terms, the other activities of the company.
  • Implementing a Risk Management Policy to be known, understood, developedand maintaineddaily at all levels within the organization.
  • Allowing -at all times- the realization of systematic audits, both internal and external, to verify compliance and effectiveness of the Risk Management Policy.
  • Instilling each worker with the imperative need to assume its responsibilityto work safely, based on their formation and received instructions.

To achieve the above objectives, Global Omnium/Aguas de Valencia is committed to implementing and promoting the Sectoral ManagementBest Values ​practices, and calls from everyone a conscious response, active and disciplined collaboration in order to realize the potential of improvement our company actually has.

Global Omnium/Aguas de Valencia has made a great effort of leadership in this important matter, having for it a Prevention Service with its own resources dedicated exclusively to the daily improvement of the conditions of occupational health and safety of all actions and activities developed by the company.

Certifications and accreditations

  • Gran vía Marqués del Turia 17
  • Burjassot Branch
  • Meliana Branch
  • Benetusser Branch
  • Puçol Branch
  • Alaquás Branch
  • Gandía Branch
  • Alzira Branch
  • Náquera Branch
  • Serra Branch
  • EDR Ull de Bou Plant
  • EDR Falconera Plant