
The installation of remote control and remote actuators allows better management of facilities.

These systems help us:

  • Learn the status of the network, provided by the adequate instrumentation, to ensure reliability from the indication of the variables.
  • Learn the operating status of the elements and integrated equipment into the drinking water and pumping production centers.
  • Modify consignments for elements operating in automatic mode.
  • Management of certain elements of network operation remotely.

Currently, this is done by 348 remote stations, managing 6,100 measuring instruments, 12,000 states and alarms, 2,500 orders and 24 remote facilities that allow maneuvering over 200 valves, 400 motor-pumps from the control centers located in offices and plants.

The data collected in real time from each of the remote stations are concentrated in the master stations and managed and displayed on the control centres through man-to-machine-based interface applications based on SCADA systems (PC-implemented software that presents data to an operator and through which the process is controlled), under a secure centralized environment using computer systems and cutting-edge tools that allow bidirectional links via Internet with WEB publications to ensure maximum safety, reliability and flexibility for remote monitoring of facilities.

Besides managing remote systems using SCADA systems, the information obtained is analyzed, stored and classified, to be later:

  • Used for the generation statistical reports,
  • Analyzed in case of service problems,
  • Used for the construction and updating of mathematical models in the distribution networks of potable water,
  • Perform maintenance management,
  • Ensure quality and continous improvement in process management,
  • etc.

The remote control system of the supply systems is based on automata or next generation PLCs and proven reliability in the industrial sector, linked to the master stations via private radio networks, telephone network, mobile (GPRS and GSM) networks, ethernet and optical fiber links. Redundancy control is incorporated in the most strategic points of the supply networks in the equipment and in the communications channels, increasing reliability and robustness of operation.