Sanitation and Maintenance management
The exploitation of water supply and sanitation is carried out via the Geographic Information Systems. This is about establishing where all points integrate and adapt all corporate systems and tools related to the daily management of the supply, like the Distribution Management System, Sanitation Management System and the Maintenance Management System.
Sanitary Systems
The Sanitary management system is an information system belonging to the GIS, which allows is to carry out integral management of the sanitary networks of water. It is a system which is integrated in the architecture of a network management system to share cartographic data about the sanitary networks incorporated in the same.
It integrates multiple functionalities with a modular design, permitting a management which is centred on the sanitary networks and extension of applications according to the operative necessities. The most representative functionalities are:
- The planning and monitoring of works done on the networks, identifying areas of the sanitary network which are being worked on.
- The monitoring of network maintenance operations, reflected in the incident or puncture detection systems.
- The connection with the Telephone Control Centre, which allows for the geographical location of incidents which our clients report to us, as well as being able to trace any warnings that we receive.
- The generation of works orders for the maintenance teams and posterior registering of the result of every action, including mobile terminals for field work which allow for immediate updating of information.
- Preventative maintenance via the integration of an asset management system, including periodic works and elements inspections, periodic cleaning of gutters, periodic reading of limnimeters etc.
- Project management, design of constructive solutions for new channelling and localization of urban development.
- Network Problem Management, monitoring and control of interference to the networks caused by a third party.
- Patrimonial Management for the control of value of actives and their location.
Maintenance Systems
The general facility maintenance, and electromechanical equipment and other network elements in particular, are supported in the PM (Plant Maintenance) module. This system is integrated into the economic system and the corporate resources monitoring.
With this module (PM), management of maintenance of equipment in the water treatment plants and networks, both preventive and corrective, planned or managed, is achieved.
Its basic functions are:
- Inventory of equipments and technical locations, where the technical characteristics relevant to such equipment are detailed, as well as their hyerarchical location within the installation, additional documentation for consultation, plans, manuals, internal documents, images..., etc.
- Planning of maintenance tasks and generation of work orders for compliance. The system proposes a calendar of tasks and checks to be performed in each of the equipments. It also allows for planning of maintenance activities from temporal schedules or from meter readings. To this end, the system is connected to the Scada of the installation, from where it receives this information. The scheduler assigns these orders to the maintenance resources available.
- Recording of the results of the work orders, from where reports of work performed and their results are given to the system. The system allows recording of parameter readings such as hours of operation, temperature, vibration, recorded cubic meters..., etc.
- Detected incidents recording on site, tracking of these, and preparation of orders of preventive and/or corrective maintenance.
- Statistics and reports on incidents.
With this system, it is possible to make an accurate and proper monitoring of the tasks performed, besides keeping a historical record of incidences which is of fundamental importance to optimize equipment performance and extend its life span.
Distribution Systems
The Distribution Management System is an integral information system integrated in the GIS, which allows us to be aware of the operative state of the supply network and its repercussion on its users at all times.
In this system the clients’ topological-hydraulic relations are established with the resource “water”, which offers geographic references on the location of every one of the agents which intervenes and how many events then come about.
Among the multiple advantages, what is very noticeable is the rapidity of detecting possible punctures and subsequent resolution, via the analysis of the causes and effects derived from the same, optimizing the use of the resources used. In this way, this tool allows for the easy determination of the area that must be cut off and managing to reduce the amount of clients affected thanks to the knowledge of the sectorization of the network and the information studies of action to be carried out to minimize the effect of the puncture. Also, it achieves the improvement of planning and preventative maintenance control of the networks and assures monitoring and control of network renovation projects.