Subdividing the drinking water network
Decreasing unregistered water, improving hydraulic performance and control of the parameters affecting water quality is possible with the sectorization projects of water networks.
Sectorizing a network is to fragment it in isolated areas, to analyze them separately and thus help identify problems, improving the rapid implementation of appropriate corrective measures. All sectors must be properly equipped with counters, pressure transducers, meters of chemical indicators, control valves, recorders etc...
The zoning and design of sectors in each municipality demand the management of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mathematical Models of the Network as well as Subscribers' Data Management System because it can never affect the quality the service.
All recorded information is immediately available for analysis; therefore the necessary communications for sending data to the control center, where they are received and processed, are installed. From the Control Center, priorities maintenance teams are established, thus achieving an important reduction of water loss by decreasing the lifetime of leaks and ensure potability and water quality.