Subscribers Management System (SGC)
The Subscribers Management System (SGC) is an information system that allows to carry out the processes of Customer Service, Reading, Billing and Collection under the guidelines set by the owner of the service.
The SGC is a complete set of modules registered in the Registry of Intellectual Property and characterized by high computing power, flexibility, versatility and adaptability to new situations that allow the implementation of service and completion of all customer management processes.
The needs of government customers, and more particularly of municipalities, other forms of Local Government and Regional Administration, have shaped the system. These requirements are varied and often go beyond simple recovery. The most noteworthy are listed below:
- Maintenance of proper data, updated and verified. Having a proper register is imperative for sound management.
- Utilization of meter readings through portable terminals including mechanisms for remote reading of RF modules.
- Renewal of meters, using edge technology and updated information from reading and billing systems in order to maintain the excellence of the state of the facilities.
- Utilization of information filtering systems to determine the amount to bill to each subscriber, applicable as per the tariff structure required by the owner of the service, however complex it may be.
- Website that meets the legal requirements of such a service, from which users would access both general or customized information by virtual office services that facilitate remote transactions with customers, subscribers or the general public.
- Versatility in means of payment.