

Biological wastewater treatment process based on the cultivation of a particular type of microorganisms in flocculated form, in the body of water, which are capable of removing organic carbonaceous and/or nitrogenous matter from water.


Is the bank account number (20 digits) associated with a subscription for the debit payment of bills.


The Biowin is dynamic simulation software which must be calibrated with the characteristics of the WWTP to be simulated, thus allowing simulating different configurations, or ways of working, in the process to optimize the biological removal of nitrogen or any other parameter


It is the combined production of heat and electricity from fuel


Large pipe that is part of the sewerage network that collects rain and wastewater and conducts them to the treatment plant


Controlled biological process, and subsequent treatment of sludge, resulting from the action at the treatment plant. With the mixture of vegetable waste and decomposition process control of stuff, clean material of bacteria that serves as green manure for agriculture is achieved. The resulting material may be incorporated into the soil as a biological fertilizer of a high quality.


Correlation is a working method which pursues the objective of locating leaks in the drinking water and the reduction of losses in the same.


Treatment used for the removal of nitrates from water, converting these to gaseous nitrogen emitted into the atmosphere.


The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a plant for the removal of the pollutant load in the wastewater before it is returned to nature or bound for any other purpose.


Public statement formally documented by the management on the intentions and principles of action of the organization about their environmental performance.


EPANET is a computer program for the analysis of distribution systems for drinking water. The program allows hydraulic analysis of pipe networks to obtain pressure and flow rates.


The one used for billing in the absence of an actual meter reading. There are several reasons why we can not have an actual meter reading:

  • Meter in inside the house, without access.
  • Meter in room with private key and nobody can give access.
  • Meter down.
  • When the billing period is less the established for readings in the corresponding population.


The Water Purification Plant (ETAP) is a facility in which the water is treated to make it potable, that is, fit for human consumption.


Geographic Information System (GIS), where the exploitation of water supply networks and sanitation is supported. It is the core to which corporate tools, and systems that meet all aspects of the daily running, attach.


It is a mechanical measuring device that meters the water used by the subscriber.


Subscriber Identification Number. It is a reference that the company assigns to a subscriber when a contract is formalized for water supply. A subscriber can only have one assigned NIA, with several subNIA's as water contracts has or has had with the company. This number is very useful to quickly locate the contracted payment.


Overall intentions and directions of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by top management.


That which is obtained from the meter reading. It can be taken by the reader or provided by the subscriber.


Includes chemical, and particularly biological, processes able to remove up to 90% organic matter. It uses bacteria acting within large, agitated, water tanks and helped by water oxygenation, feeding from the organic contaminants as they are subsequently separated from the water by a new decantanción process. There are several types of secondary treatment: activated sludge, extended aeration, biological filters...


The service subscriber is the natural or legal person that formalizes the water supply contract with the supplier.


Pasty residue with a variable percentage of water coming from the sewage treatment.


The segmentation of the hydraulic networks is one of the most effective measures for the reduction of unregistered water, and improves the infrastructures’ hydraulic performance for drinking water distribution. Consists of dividing the network into isolated sectors so that each resulting partition can record water consumption, and accepts actuation on the pressure and the flow supplied


It is a card left in the domicile in the cases where the inspector has not been able to access the property for taking the readouts. The customer ought to record the meter reading and get it to the company following the instructions detailed therein.


The Subscribers Management System (SGA) is an information system that allows carrying out customer service processes, Reading, Billing and Collection, according to the guidelines set by the owner of the service


Distribution Management System (SGD) is a comprehensive information system supported on GIS, which allows to know at all times the operating status of the supply network and its impact on users


The Sanitation Management System (SGS) is an information system supported on GIS, which enables the comprehensive management of the sewerage water


It's a different tax from garbage collection in general, and it is intended for the treatment and recovery of municipal waste and the disposal of its rejection through composting plants, recycling centers and waste disposal.


Additional processes that remove organic and other compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus matter at a rate above 95%; these could hardly be eliminated with the basic treatments, and are the cause of algal growth depleting oxygen in the water. Nitrogen removal is performed by a biological process by microorganisms that assimilate nitrogen, or convert it to nitrogen gas. The phosphor can be eliminated in the same way, or by chemical means, by adding reagents.


A set of measures necessary to remove dissolved and suspended pollutants from wastewater to allow the discharge of wastewater both in inland and marine waters, or for its use in other applications.